Just imagine that you were the first person in the world to design an e-Portfolio. Where would you start? What criteria would you use? Who would use it? ...and why? What outcomes would you like to see in terms of Teaching & Learning?
This blog is for the single purpose of exploring these issues. Perhaps my mind is already made up. Perhaps my vision is clear. But, what is your opinion?
I must confess that I have what I believe is the perfect solution. For a start, review the questions above and then check out what I call my 'Prime Directives' for e-Portfolio design. (http://www.maximise-ict.co.uk/Prime_Directives-2.pdf)
Comments requested!
This blog is for the single purpose of exploring these issues. Perhaps my mind is already made up. Perhaps my vision is clear. But, what is your opinion?
I must confess that I have what I believe is the perfect solution. For a start, review the questions above and then check out what I call my 'Prime Directives' for e-Portfolio design. (http://www.maximise-ict.co.uk/Prime_Directives-2.pdf)
Comments requested!